Saturday, June 18, 2011

bangkok to angkor

Bangkok To Angkor Siem Reap Cambodia

From Bangkok by bus from eastern terminal Bangkok Ekamai terminal
schedule at 06.15am for 200bht
but they just get a 6 people so they moved us to Van. took 2 stop for gas and strech your legs. it went 2.5 hour to get Aranyapraphet border.

Here we arrive and after stamp out Thai and i am went to Visa arrival Cambodia and they want to scam me to pay US$20 and 100bht! actually only $20. But another foreigner from Korea they must bagging to pay only US$20 and after 5 minute they got it!
there office with arrow mark...

at least i saw 2 big Casino in the Border..

 dont be surprise in border so many children they begging

big brown eyes, runny noses and gruby hands and with their angelic faces it's often difficult to ressist giving them some money, but the children maybe not get any benefit as adult use them..

and then after stamp arrival in Poipet we share taxi for 4 people and avoid gangster on the border to get you free bus but actually they will scam you! we bargaining on the main road and more you go to far from them more cheap price you will get, until we got luck to share for US$5 per person..

personal car on left hand side wheel...

the driver are so nice and talk a lot with us and he ask more than US$20 because he help you!?
but we insist to pay only US$20 one car.

and then we stop at star market and looking for a guest house, i am not so lucky only get a dormitory for US$5/night..
this belong Korean people and all guest there speaking Korean..

next morning I rent a bike for US$1/day, walking is not a question as Angkor is very large

i meet william from Korea in a border and soon we biking together in the morning..

don't forget to pay ticket at entrance for one-day pass US$20, a three-day pass US$40 and one-week for US$60, they will snap your photo so it's bit long queues

Lion on Gate of Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is surrounded with 1.3km and 1.5km rectangle moath like a castle

it's me :)

North Gate

East Gate

Esplanade Angkor Wat

 went to North and arrive at Bayon with Faces starring at me..

a 54 of gothic towers with 216 coldly smilling!

inside Bayon

East Bayon

take a break and get meals...

Prasat at Angkor Thom

went to toilet as the best public toilet in the world with automatic flush and clean!

here i just took a photo with tripod.. :)

Victory Gate on East Angkor Thom as celebration King Jayavarman VII to perish Cham

Tout-Tout with tourist around Angkor Temple's for US$20 a day

Ta Keo

50m steep

Ta Prohm Gate

under construction

this guys limbless from mines and they play music to get some money from visitor

the most dramatic of angkor temples
start here....

all the way to Pre Rup you can see children fishing

Cambodian children they like to chat and almost all of them fluent in english

Pre Rup

Cambodia are more traditional compared with Thai neighbour

at least you will need 3 days for tour around Angkor!

my equipment:

1 comment:

  1. Nice picture, some time I will visit to Bangkok and meet with u :)
